
Using Liming Wax on Pine…..

You may all remember my Goodwill score from a couple years ago -
you can read about it HERE……While I love old pine so much, sometimes
I find it too yellow for my tastes.  I had read how liming wax can 'bring down'
the yellow hues so I had try it on this piece - I didn't have much to lose!

I really love the results!  By no means is it a perfect waxing job {as the photos prove} but
I wanted it look imperfect as if it had happened over time.

I ordered my Briwax from Amazon but you might be able to find it
at your local woodcraft store too.

Notice anything else different in my home?  I finally hung drapes
on both LARGE sliding french doors in my great room…..
love how instantly cozy the room feels.


Thanks everyone who took the time to write a comment to
my 'overwhelmed momma' post!  I appreciate your insight so much.


Is it almost Monday already????

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6 comments on "Using Liming Wax on Pine….."
  1. LOVE LOVE the way that looks!! I've been wanting to try that wax out...maybe on the oak hutch in my dining room?!?

  2. Perfect timing! Just got a reproduction pine armoire at a (Cottagewood!) garage sale and it needs a little aging to blend with our other antiques. Great idea and now I feel a little bolder about doing it. Your cabinet looks beautiful. I've enjoyed your blog recently - can't remember how I heard about it, but we live in Cottagewood and used to enjoy running into you at Sandy Beach. :) Hope you are all doing well! Elizabeth Hackney

  3. I love how it turned out. Have to pin this for a future project. Christine from Little Brags

  4. This looks great! I'm always annoyed by the yellowish & orangey tones is some woods too. I've never tried a wax like this but I'll keep it in mind now...thanks for the tip!!

  5. I love that piece. It's one of my favorite pieces ever and you just made it more beautiful! Wonder if it would work on my floors?! I think you just helped me decide to hang curtains on my french doors although I'm worried it might just be one more thing covered in pet fur!

  6. Beautiful! Did you wax over raw wood or stain first?


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